Sunday, May 15, 2022 (The parade will be held each year on the closest Sunday to Las Vegas' birthday, May 15th.)
We would like to start walking at 10:30am to beat the heat! Being that this is our first year and an informal parade, we don't know how many people to expect and sign in may take longer pushing the parade to start closer to 11am. It may be 5 of us or it may be 500 of us. We will be meeting outside of Container Park 707 E. Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101.
This is a fairly short route, so we are guessing around 11:15am - 11:45am.
When does the award ceremony/costume contest begin?
We will be returning to Container Park and doing a very informal circle to announce the winners. The ceremony will begin when we all have returned to our starting point or at 12 noon, which ever happens first.
Where does the Parade take place?
We will have a designated meeting area closer to the next parade. We will then walk up the north side of Fremont Street to Main Street, loop around and head back to the starting point. Please check back often as these details may change. PLEASE OBEY ALL TRAFFIC LIGHTS WHEN CROSSING THE STREET! This is an informal walk and the streets have not been closed off for us. It is ok if the parade gets separated by traffic lights.
Lolita Haze has created this official, yet informal parade and is excited to be joined by friends to celebrate the city she loves!
Where’s the best place to watch the Parade?
Just hang out on Fremont Street! Keep in mind we are not promising a big show... there may only be 5 of us dressed up!
Is it ok to bring kids to the Parade or have them walk in the parade?
We like to say that the Parade is Family WELCOMING, this is Sin City after all! It is up to the discretion of the parent whether they want their children around. Showgirls can be in gowns or barely-there rhinestoned costumes, so keep that in mind.
I want to be in the Parade! How can I register?
We encourage you to head over to the Registration page and fill out the form. This helps us know how many folks to expect. This is our first year and just a group of friends getting together so there will be no registration fee. That may change next year. Come day of the show we will meet outside of Container Park 707 E Fremont St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 and given a quick run through and sign -in. Come ready to go -- there won't be anywhere to get dressed.
Who is judging the costume contest?
At this point there are no judges. Depending on the number of people interested in being crowned, it will either be up to Lolita Haze or we will round us a few judges.
Can I nominate someone for the Ace Award?
Yes! We are definitely be accepting nominations. Email Lolita at TheLolitaHaze@gmail.com.
Where Can I park?
There is no designated parking for us, so I recommend the underground (paid) parking and walking to the designated meeting area or finding a spot near-by on side streets for a shorter walk.
What are the rules?
There are no special rules. Treat this as any other time you are heading down to Fremont Street. While this is to celebrate the showgirl, please do not expose yourself in anyway you couldn't on any other day down there. Be friendly and respectful to all law enforcement and tourists. Follow all traffic laws. Expect to be photographed. This is meant to celebrate the city of Las Vegas and the iconic Showgirl. We are walking in a tourist area, so please represent our city in the brightest neon light!
My question isn't answered here.
Send an email to TheLoltaHaze@gmail.com